The Southern Highlands Landcare Network (SHLN) is an independent, not-for-profit network that aims to support Landcare activities as well as other environmental groups and individuals with a common purpose to work together in the Southern Highlands to care for the environment. You can also follow our activities on the Southern Highlands Landcare Network Facebook page
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Carribee Farm has been part of the Rivercare project for decades. The March/April 2023 planting represent a new phase of the revegetation project. Over 2500 plants were planted over 4 days representing a huge effort for the Landcare Network involving 50 volunteers and coordinated by Ian Royds.
A small revegetation project aimed at managing water movement across the campgrounds. June 2023.
This project is raising awareness of Glossy Black Cockatoos and improving their habitat across the 'Great Western Wildlife Corridor' in the Southern Highlands. While not a Landcare project our members play an active role in planting activities.
Moss Vale Landcare group formed in 2000 and has rehabilitated a range of sites over the past 20 years on Whites Creek which runs through the township of Moss Vale.
The Mt Gibraltar Landcare & Bushcare group formed in 1993 and has been caring for this unique bushland reserve ever since.
The areas where our wildlife live and flourish have become increasingly geographically isolated. This isolation has led to decreases in genetic diversity and resilience between and within populations. Creating habitat corridors that allow wildlife to move between bushland areas is recognised as a key strategy to help improve the survival of our diverse fauna and flora. Have a look at the map at the bottom of this page for the areas shaded in green (only the central part of the shire has been mapped so far). These are areas for potential wildlife corridors. Is your property in an area that could form part of a wildlife corridor? Would you be willing to participate in a revegetation project that works in with your farming and other enterprises? Please contact Landcare so that we can help you to make that happen.
Are you interested in improving the sustainability of your property? Who isn't? It makes sense as well as being a great way to contribute to improving our land for everyone's benefit. This site is being developed to provide links for Landholders to do their own research and for Landcarers to improve their knowledge of restoration works. Please note this site is a work in progress. If you have suggestions for resources. Please let me know by emailing
The Oxley College Landcare Group began rivercare activities in 1989 and continued with a range of projects and improvements to the riparian area until 2011. In 2019 Wingecarribee Shire Council established the Burradoo Rivercare Group.
The Berrima Wildlife Reserve Landcare Group meets on 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 9 am to 12 midday. It is a vibrant group of enthusiastic Landcare volunteers working to rejuvenate a beautiful piece of the Southern Highlands along the Wingecarribee River. New volunteers are always welcome. Feel free to drop in an have a look at what we are trying to achieve. Morning tea is around 10.30 am. Please contact Jenny Slattery the Landcare Convenor if you require more details via email at
Exciting news! We will soon be able to complete another piece in the revegetation puzzle along the riparian zone of the Wingecarribee River. On 21st and 22nd October we will be planting at Pinaroo. The Pinaroo property at Burradoo can be seen across the river from the bike track (near the Sullivan Road entrance). Previous plantings have been organised by Landcare with Greening Australia and now there is an opportunity to return and finish the job!