Building an effective regional Landcare network
Collaboration across the North Coast - we are stronger together.
Collaborations - LP022-R002
The issue
Landcare on the North Coast has evolved and expanded over 30 years while still maintaining deep connections to its grassroots origins and continuing to support local communities in their on-ground actions for healthy farmland, environments and natural resources. As Landcare has become more effective, coordinated and professional, the need to support all levels of the Landcare movement has become even more paramount to ensure we are delivering high quality outcomes with a strategic outlook.
In 2009, 14 community-based Landcare organisations from across the North Coast and neighbouring regions came together to create the North Coast Regional Landcare Network (NCRLN). As local Landcare Networks have established and grown, the need for collaboration, partnerships and unified communication at the regional scale became apparent.
The solution
The shared vision was to unify and consolidate the efforts of Landcare across the region to establish a well-connected and active regional Landcare movement. With a Landcare structure that reaches from grassroots community through to state and national Landcare bodies, a unified regional voice for the North Coast has proven to be an important facilitator of two-way communication, knowledge sharing and ensuring the movement remains grounded in the communities it evolved from.
The impact
Today, NCRLN comprises the local Landcare Networks of the North Coast which support over 300 community groups working on local Landcare-related priorities and engage with over 5000 people who are connected through active participation, network membership, newsletter subscriptions or attendance at Landcare events. NCRLN supports individual networks to operate effectively and provides capacity building and ‘community of practice’ collaboration to develop network and community skills. As an independent and not-for-profit organisation, NCRLN has become a highly recognised and well-respected partner for service and investment - connecting government and community in sustainable agriculture and natural resource management partnerships – no other organisation or agency has the depth of reach into our communities that Landcare has. With accountability, good governance and cost-effectiveness as the foundations of quality service delivery, NCRLN presents a unique value proposition – providing a central, representative point of contact to a diverse, professional, community-driven Landcare movement. Through the NSW Landcare Program, NCRLN continues to evolve and develop to provide the services and support for our Landcare movement on the North Coast.
Key facts
- North Coast Regional Landcare Network comprises 11 members representing the local Landcare Networks on the North Coast.
- Landcare on the North Coast supports over 300 community groups working on local Landcare-related priorities and engaging with over 5000 people.
- North Coast Regional Landcare Network continues to evolve, grow and diversify.
- A regional network provides the opportunities for Landcare to be thinking, planning and delivering at a landscape-scale.
- The Regional Landcare Coordinator role allows government agencies and other partners to have a clear point of contact to collaborate on regional-scale issues and programs.