Bush regeneration activities in Wilson Park (near Wilson Pool). Second Tuesday of the month, 12:30 to 14:30. This group is open to the home school network.

We are always looking for helping hands to contribute to the bushcare work being done at North Lawson. If you value and appreciate what has been achieved in the North Lawson Park, please join us to ensure our work continues and becomes even more effective.

Joanne Fenner is our Team Leader.

North Lawson Bushcare enquiries: Ray Richardson, 4759 2534 whoray9@gmail.com

Erin Hall and Ray Richardson install the North Lawson bushcare sign, October 2010


Morning tea after the bird walk with Jill Dark 22 October 2011: Erin Hall to the rescue!

Jill Dark with participants on the North Lawson bird walk 22 October 2011

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