2023 Landcare Adventure

A celebration of Landcare in the New England and North West NSW

2023 Landcare Adventure

A celebration of Landcare in the New England and North West NSW

Collaborations -


The issue

Every other year, New England and North West NSW Landcare organisations get together to celebrate Landcare in the region and to recognise their Landcare Champions at a Regional awards presentation.  In 2023 it was Tamworth Regional Landcare's turn to host, with the support of all other Landcare networks in the region.  Regular weekly zoom meetings began in earnest back in February, with TRLA attracting an inclusive organising committee made up of Volunteers, Coordinators and the Regional Agriculture Facilitator from across both the North West and New England regions.

The solution

Over 100 attendees were treated to a smorgasbord of 24 presenters - from the Weedy Gardener to South Pole to Dr Oliver Knox to Peel High School there was something for everyone.  With 4 streams - Research, Rehydration and Resilience; Healthy Soil Healthy Food; Community & Urban and Citizen Science and Education attendees struggled to choose which room to head to next!

Friday night brought the Regional Awards presentations for both the New England and North West regions, and we were once again humbled by the efforts and achievements of the many volunteers across our regions.  The presentations began with a Welcome to Country by Tamworth Regional Councillor Marc Sutherland, and then the audience were mesmerised by the amazing Gomeroi Dancers.

The event wrapped up with three field days being held on the Saturday - a Cultural tour to Boundary Rock, Rehydration journey to Duri and a tour of the Tamworth Regional Landcare Nursery and compost demonstration with the Weedy Gardener.

One email the organising committee were flattered to receive included "Just wanted to email and say a massive congratulations, on a stellar event last weekend.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I know so many others did too (from discussions this week).  The content and speakers were outstanding, and right ‘on point’ for the outcomes we are all aiming to achieve, on our regenerating journeys!"

Planning is already underway for the 2025 Landcare Adventure, to be hosted in Inverell by GWYMAC Landcare - we can't wait!

The impact

Cross regional collaborations such as our Landcare Adventure are fantastic opportunities for landholders and  stakeholders to come together to network and connect.  Trade stalls around the main auditorium allowed plenty of opportunities for meet and greet and the awards dinner afforded everyone even more time to catch up with the presenters whose talks they had enjoyed during the day.

The speakers were truly inspirational - some leaving you wanting more and others leaving you impatient to be home and beginning your own project!

Key facts

  • Collaboration leads to a strong and inspirational Landcare community
  • It is important to recognise and celebrate our Landcare leaders

Project Partners