Gwydir Ark
A local group of volunteers, formed to improve the plight of Threatened Species in the Gwydir Shire by raising awareness, education and improving habitat
Taking Action - LLCI022-005
The issue
Northern Slopes Landcare Association, and in particular Barry Rogers, one of our Board members, recognised that there was little public knowledge of the plight of threatened species in the Gwydir Shire area, in particular Brush Turkeys and Koalas, with most residents not even aware that there were Koalas in the area. Other local threatened species also include the Swift Parrot, Regent Honeyeater, Pale Imperial Hairstreak butterfly, Zig Zag velvet Gecko, Bush Stone Curlew and many more.
The solution
Through funding from the National Landcare Program, we were able to form a new group - "Gwydir Ark". The first meeting attracted 18 attendees from across the Shire.
Gwydir Ark immediately set about raising awareness of Threatened species in the area through media releases and numerous walks (including 3 spotlight walks), where knowledgable guides lead participants through bush tracks, spotting and identifying any wildlife spotted along the way.
Children in particular were fascinated by the reptiles and spiders seen, and we were able to pass on awareness of the importance of biodiversity in the environment.
The impact
As a result of this group, we are now receiving reports from the general public about sightings of endangered species in the area, including Brush Turkeys, Koalas, and Swift Parrots. We are then able to lodge this information on the Atlas of Living Australia.
Northern Slopes Landcare were also granted funds through North West Local Landcare Services as a direct result of the formation of this group. This funding has since been used to improve and protect the habitats of Threatened species in the Shire, including the reduction of Tiger Pear, a threatening process in the area, and feral animal controls targeted at areas where Threatened species had been located.
Key facts
- Raising Threatened Species awareness in Gwydir Shire
- Addressing Threatening processes
- Increasing local data about Threatened Species