Managing and Established Pest Animals and Weeds
Creating awareness and education around an integrated approach to pest animals and weeds.
Local Links - Stronger Communities - MEPAAW-NW-01-01
The issue
There are 13 priority cacti species in the NW LLS region including Hudson pear and Harrisia cactus. Mother of Millons incursion has also created issues with in the community. These incursions are fast causing harm to the Agriculture industry, native wildlife and the overall well-being of the community.
Correctly identify cacti and succulents has been an issue, while application and understanding the integrated control techniques including biocontrol, chemical and manual removal to provide best practice has been a challenging behavioral shift. Providing education and awareness to the community enables them to better understand and apply BPM and their General Biosecurity Duty.
The solution
The MEPAAW project was an opportunity to provide educational and awareness workshops to the Walgett, Moree and Gwydir Shire Council areas.
Presenters from the follow areas of expertise included; NSLA NW Cacti Control Coordinator, DPI Senior Biocontrol Research Officer, LCA Moree Plains and Gwydir Shire Weeds Officers, NW LLS Biosecurity Officers and Ecologists - Stringybark Ecology. This allowed the different departments to introduce themselves to the community and have a conversation about what their concerns are in relation to pest weeds and animals and how to identify, best manage, control and monitor pest animals and weeds as they are inter-related and co habitat the environment.
The impact
The community where able to interact with each presenter during the sessions and in the breaks on their individual issues which added a personalised component to the day. The workshop provided information and enable a discussion forum where community members were able to work through their issues openly, receiving positive feedback or resources to move forward.
The workshop not only provided valuable information and resources to the community but the community also provided valuable information on what is happening on-ground, what are the weeds of concern are, how they are controlling their pest animals and weeds and how to best engage with the community on, education and on ground works.
Key facts
- Creating positive outcomes through Community Engagement.
- Your Weeds Officer and NW LLS Biosecurity Officer are a part of your support network when it comes to weed and pest animal management.
- Integrated management is a key to delivering successful pest animal and weed outcomes.