Restoring Natural Landscapes

How can landholders restore the natural landscape functions of their properties to increase resilience?

Capacity to Deliver - LP023-007

The issue

The recent widespread drought clearly illustrated the need to make our landscapes more resilient and to find ways to effectively utilise as much rainfall as possible when it does fall. Since European settlement of Australia, changes have been made to the natural geography of the land. Many natural wetlands have been destroyed, eroded gullies are getting larger and draining water away from where it is needed most.  

Additionally, the depletion of natural habitats has led to decreasing biodiversity and a reduction in both fauna and flora species on-farm.

Landholders are seeking achievable, realistic and economical ways of improving how their landscapes function.

The solution

We engaged Tarwyn Park training to conduct a four-day hands-on workshop based on redesigning your farm through Natual Sequence Farming techniques and principles, in order to maximise productivity, enhance landscape function and minimise farm costs. Participants learnt how to read the landscape, fully utilise their natural resources, locate, design and build natural landscape structures, redesign their property and begin improving landscape function, whilst at the same time lowering farm costs and boosting profits. Natural sequence farming methods recommended by Tarwyn Park, include slowing the flow of water, controlling livestock movement and increasing biodiversity to reduce erosion and increase fertility and moisture retention.

The course was held at the University of Sydney Digifarm, Narrabri, where on-ground trials of the Natural Sequence farming principles are being conducted. The Digifarm generaously engaged with the course participants, demonstrating the contour lines which they have constructed as part of the trials and allowing attendees to learn first-hand the procedures of laser levelling and how to get started on earthworks on their own properties.

The impact

The course was booked out with a waiting list, with attendees a mix of peri-urban landholder and larger commercial enterprises, travelling from up to 600km away to attend.  Plenty of opportunities for practical demonstrations assisted attendees to understand how the concepts would work on their own properties.

As a result of the course, several participants are already planning follow-up work with Tarwyn Park to establish demonstration sites on their own properties.

Author: Shelley McDouall

Key facts

  • Slowing the flow of water across your landscape increases soil moisture levels, reduces loss of fertility and reduces soil erosion
  • Increasing biodiversity on your farm is essential in improving the overall health and function of your property
  • Controlled grazing can positively assist in restoring natural landscape function on farm

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