Gineroi Landcare Mingle & Jingle
Gineroi Landcare members celebrate Christmas. A gathering to distract from the devastating drought conditions and assist farmers with dealing with the stresses of drought
Community Participation - LP023-002
The issue
Landholders in the Gineroi area were dealing with a devastating drought which had seen years of the driest seasons on record. With the lack of rain and increasing feed costs farmers were becoming more and more stressed and isolated and lacking time to socialise and relax. The mental impact the drought was having on landholders and their families was becoming evident.
Some properties had changed hands during the drought and due to the workload new Landholders had not had any opportunity to meet their community.
The solution
The Gineroi Landcare group in conjunction with Northern Slopes Landcare Association organised an event for the Gineroi Landcare members to leave their farms for a night of food and friendship. Being so close to Christmas it was decided a Christmas party to Jingle and Mingle was in order. Christmas this year for these landholders was going to be rough - the livestock still needed feeding so a day off was not on the cards.
The event gave landholders and their families the opportunity to take a night off, catch up with their mates and forget their difficulties even if just for a while. The night's focus was to remind landholders that they were not alone and others were facing the same challenges in this seemingly neverending drought.
Held on one of the members' property, food and catering was supplied by local businesses throughout the Gwydir Shire who also were feeling the effects of the drought.
The impact
60 Gineroi Landholders and their families attended the night. Children were surprised with a special appearance from Santa and adults were treated to a night with their mates as well as some new faces.
These were just a few of the comments received that night:
- "This is exactly what I needed"
- "I felt like my old self, even if it is back to reality tomorrow"
- " Thank you, we should do this more often"
The night was a night of many laughs and tears. As the drought intensifies it made the landholders aware of the importance of their mental wellbeing and how isolation can have a major impact on them.
Key facts
- The severity of the drought was making it impossible for landholders to leave their properties and isolation was becoming an issue.
- Isolation was having a major impact on landholders mental wellbeing
- The event showed first hand how important it is to try and get out and about and catch up with friends and how people can draw strength from their community and know that they are not alone.