Who is the embroidered flower fancier?
Community planting enhancing habitat for regent honeyeaters
Community Participation - LP023-012
The issue
Threats abound for the small number of remaining regent honeyeaters. The Bundarra-Barraba region is one of only 3 known breeding areas and Northern Slopes Landcare (NSLA) was keen to support the fledgling Barraba Landcare group to educate the community and visiting tourists about this rare bird, at the same time enhancing habitat along the Manilla River in Barraba.
The solution
NSLA was successful in securing grant funding from North West Local Land Services (NW LLS) to achieve the dual goals of community and visitor education and habitat enhancement along the Manilla River on the outskirts of the township of Barraba.
We organised a community planting day with a guest speaker, as well as a permanent sign in the park to ensure increased awareness of locals and visitors about the 'Embroidered flower fancier', which is the little known direct translation of the scientific name of the regent honeyeater.
Preparation included multiple site visits and liaison with Barraba Landcare, Tamworth Regional Council (TRC) staff, NW LLS, Birdlife Australia, University of New England (UNE), as well as site preparation, plant ordering and care, signage artwork and production. TRC supported us with site preparation, provision of mulch, sign installation and continue to provide occasional support with maintenance.
The impact
The planting day was a great success, bringing together 23 community members from across the region - ranging from 4 years of age to the more mature end of the age spectrum. Together we planted 80+ trees, shrubs and understorey species.
Dr Steve Debus from UNE presented a range of interesting facts, figures, myths and stories about the regent honeyeater over morning tea. Craig Pullman from NW LLS provided a range of booklets and brochures people could access, and brought a 3D printed replica of the bird in question. This was an excellent visual resource, with many commenting on how small the regent honeyeaters are.
Our sign was installed a few weeks after the event, but was there on the day for us all to admire. Evaluations of the day demonstrated that it was very successful in engaging and inspiring the community, as well as providing a range of useful information and contacts for them.
Key facts
- Planting days are great community engagement
- Well developed partnerships are important for a successful event
- Grant funding and staff movement can create timing challenges
- Plant care and maintenance could make a great adjunct project