Video promotes roadside vegetation management
Central West local councils have recently produced a video about the importance of roadside vegetation management
In 2013, the Central West Councils’ Salinity and Water Quality Alliance was successful in receiving a $250,000 Roadside Vegetation Committee grant through the NSW Environmental Trust to protect and rehabilitate high conservation roadside vegetation in Bathurst, Blayney, Cabonne, Dubbo, Gilgandra, Mid-Western, Orange, Parkes, Warrumbungle and Wellington Council areas. A further $5,000 for capacity building activities was also received from the former Central West Catchment Management Authority.
The projects mostly involved a combination of targeted weed spraying and revegetation to protect and/or extend areas of high conservation value roadside vegetation. Bathurst, Blayney, Cabonne, Gilgandra, Orange and Wellington Councils all focused on weed control and revegetation in differing combinations.
Dubbo City Council focused its efforts on woody weed control, and improving identification of high conservation value roadside vegetation. Mid-Western and Warrumbungle Councils have both closed stockpile work sites in sensitive roadside areas.
All Councils involved in the project are now using green roadside pickets – except Mid-Western which had previously installed red roadside pickets – to protect and identify high conservation value areas and have signs identifying their project locations.
Parkes and Warrumbungle Councils used part of their funds to invest in a weed blower attachment for slashers that mow roadsides. These have been put to good use limiting the spread of weed seeds on their slashers.
All Councils in the project also received two banners to help them promote the roadside vegetation program and raise awareness of high conservation roadside vegetation. The banners are supported by a small flyer highlighting the benefits of roadside vegetation and identifying activities that are not permitted.
Roadside vegetation was further promoted through a television advertisement that ran across the region and a short video that the Councils can upload onto their websites.
The video is found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLejsc5B67c
The TV advertisement is found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5vFq1Qp_aU