Parramatta River Catchment Group is an alliance of state and local government agencies and community groups who all share the common purpose to make the Parramatta River (and its tributaries) for all to enjoy. It is the host organisation for the Riverkeeper who supports the Parramatta River and Waterways Network and community groups in the catchment to protect and restore the riparian land.

The Parramatta River Catchment Group (PRCG) is a membership based organisation including: Sydney Water, NSW Environmental Protection Authority and 10 member councils (Blacktown, Burwood, Canterbury Bankstown, Canada Bay, Cumberland, Inner West, Hunters Hill, Parramatta, Ryde and Strathfield. Its work is guided by "Duba, Badu, Barra - 10 steps to a living river - the Parramatta River Masterplan" (2018). 

These steps include Step 7 Involve the Community and Step 8 Bring in Nature - both of which align with Landcare focus and are included the Local Landcare Coordinator or Riverkeeper's Priority Plan. PRCG hosts the  Parramatta River and Waterways Network which enables landcare and other care groups to form their own community of practice to learn and deliver more landcare goals. This Network is Chaired by Bev Debrincat in her capacity of Executive Director Habitat Network, a community nursery in Ryde. 

In addition other members of the PRCG team work on Stormwater Compliance and Education and run the very successful and expanding Get the Site Right campaign.  This campaign aims to reduce sedimentation and erosion in our waterways. 

The Bank Naturalisation and Planning for Priority Corridors is a significant PRCG project (funded separately by the NSW government) which will have some bearing on the Local Landcare Coordinator in the future as it provides the background for on ground bank restoration and rehabilitation into the future by mapping current state of reaches, developing and applying a prioritisation framework to review potential sites for capital works. 

The governance structure has the PRCG Full Group as final decision-making and review body and consists of elected Local Govt representatives from member councils and Senior Staff from participating agencies.  The Chair and Deputy Chair are by convention Councillors and are voted into their role for one year terms.  

See PRCG Annual Reports for more details. 

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