West Hume Wakeup!
Enrich our local environment, together
Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI021-003
The issue
How does a rural community Landcare group reform after a ten year hiatus, re-gain the trust of the community, re-establish partnerships and networks, set priorities & future directions and reflect on why the hiatus happened? This year, the West Hume Landcare Group in southern NSW has tackled these questions.
The group established in 1989, and may well have been the first grass-roots Landcare group in NSW. However, the combination of reduced access to State Government project funding and co-ordinators, the millennium drought & recovery and fluctuating commodities markets, resulted in the group contracting with only a few key projects ticking over.
The solution
Throughout 2015/2016 the government-community relationship was given a boost through the 2015-2019 NSW Landcare Support Program. The resulting partnership between Local Land Services and Landcare NSW launched the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative with one part-time position hosted by Petaurus Education Group Inc. to cover the eastern Murray-Greater Albury region. The positive Landcare vibes and increased activity emboldened the West Hume group to employ a Project Officer and call a public meeting. Their patch encompasses the Balldale, Burrumbuttock, Howlong, Jindera, Walbundrie and Walla Walla regions.
During their well-attended meeting, they revisited their history, voted to revive the group and workshopped priority activities & project ideas, elected a new committee and filled the room with excitement and anticipation for the future. The West Hume Landcare Group has woken up!
The impact
Fast-forward a few months; the group has hit the ground running with an updated logo and name, now simply West Hume Landcare. Activities so far have included community tree-planting days with local schools and an On-farm Drone Field Day. And new secretary Joseph Vile was chosen by Intrepid Landcare to attend the National Landcare Conference.
They have also formed partnerships with Petaurus Education Group Inc. and Wirraminna Environmental Education Centre so they can employ a Project Officer, be supported by the Local Landcare Coordinator and to access office facilities and administrative support services. They will also continue their involvement in the Squirrel Glider Local Area Management Plan project along with Murray LLS. Their future plans are exciting and it will be well worth keeping a eye on whatever West Hume Landcare does next.
To find out more get in touch with Kathie Le Busque, Project Officer on Kathie@petaurus.net.au
Key facts
- It’s easier to initiate change in a small community.
- Quick action is possible.
- Like us on Facebook: @westhumelandcare