Grassy Woodlands Project across Greater Hume
Habitat connectivity and community collaborations
Collaborations - LP018-005
The issue
Grassy Woodlands are dominated by eucalypts, typically boxes and red gums. They have a relatively open canopy with sparsely distributed shrubs and a conspicuous and diverse ground cover of tussock grasses and herbs. Ephemeral grasses and herbs appear from seed banks following rain, while ground orchids and lilies emerge after fires to produce a spectacular floral display+. Across Australia grassy woodlands have been extensively modified for agriculture and housing. Remnants now occur as small patches in varying states of degradation, and they are under threat from further land clearing, rural dieback, weed invasion, soil erosion and salinisation, over grazing by stock and feral herbivores and the effects of introduced predators like the European red fox.
The solution
Improving the condition, extent and connectivity of native vegetation is a key focus area for West Hume Landcare. This volunteer landcare group is based in the South West Slopes Biogeographical region and are one of the partners delivering the “Grassy Woodlands Project”. The dominant eucalypt species in their area include Yellow box, Blakely’s Red Gum, River Red Gum, White box, Grey box and Long-leaved box. The project supports landholders to protect and enhance their remnant Grassy woodland patches and also regenerate cleared areas on their properties to improve connectivity between patches of vegetation as linkages, stepping-stones and pathways for native species to thrive and move across the landscape.
The impact
Throughout 2019-2022 West Hume Landcare has worked closely with 22 local landowners to achieve the protection and enhancement 42 hectares of exiting Grassy Woodland and created 38 ha of new Grassy Woodlands patches and corridors in their area. Over 25,300+ native tube-stock have been planted and wildlife friendly fencing has been installed to protect the plants from stock grazing. This totals over 80ha of privately owned land within the priority areas now under agreement.
Squirrel gliders, Grey-crowned babblers and other significant woodland birds are some of the native animals that will benefit from the increased habitat created and protected. The landowners have spoken about their joy in returning native vegetation and wildlife to their land and supporting biodiversity. This is landcare in action, leaving the land better than we found it.
The project commenced in 2019, and is delivered in partnership with Holbrook Landcare Network, Corowa District Landcare and Murray Local Land Services and is funded by Catchment Action NSW.
+ Description from Dept Planning & Environment
Key facts
- to date - 22 landowners
- 45ha protected Grassy woodland
- 38ha new woodlands planted
- 25,360 tube stock