Splitters Creek nest box program
Living with Squirrel gliders on the peri-urban fringe
Community Participation - LP018-007
The issue
The Squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) is listed as vulnerable under the NSW Threatened Species Act 1995. The Splitters Creek Catchment Management Plan (2011) identified that the Squirrel glider, a species present in the area, required targeted programs and increased public awareness to ensure a suitable habitat and active landholder management to ensure its survival.
The solution
Bungowannah / Splitters Creek Landcare Group's initial project was a nest box building workshop in 2014 funded via the Slopes to Summit (S2S) partnership of the Great Eastern Ranges Initiative and the NSW Government’s Environmental Trust managed by Holbrook Landcare. The workshop involved a local nest box builder partially building the nest boxes. Thirty-four children and their families assembled them at a Little Landcare workshop. It was a great community event with 59 attendees in total and 20 finished nest boxes. In addition, participants learnt about where to position and install their boxes, managing threats to the Squirrel glider and the importance of preserving and enhancing their habitat.
In 2015 a further 15 residents participated in the Albury Conservation Company Urban Nest Box Program. The nest boxes were installed by Parklands Albury Wodonga. The discovery of a glider in a barbed wire fence in Splitters Creek highlighted the threat that barbed wire presents in glider flight paths. In response the Wodonga Green Army team sponsored by Parklands Albury Wodonga replaced the barbed wire with plain wire at that site.
The impact
Splitters Creek now has nest boxes spread across the catchment on many properties and the Landcare group continues to raise community awareness on the threats to the Squirrel Glider and regularly monitor the boxes via pole camera. Monitoring has demonstrated the success of the program with many of the nest boxes now being visited by Squirrel Gilders.
The 2022 pole-camera monitoring showed 10% of boxes with Squirrel gliders present, 8 gliders in total. There were juveniles in 2 of the boxes, indicating successful breeding is occurring. 72% of boxes had evidence of glider use (nesting material, hole chewing or glider). 07% have active feral European honey bee hives (down from 2021).
2023 will see an expansion of the program thanks to funding from AlburyCity Land Management Incentive Grant. New and replacement nest boxes will be installed along with a series of community engagement activities.
Key facts
- 2021 - 7 gliders seen, 61% glider use
- 2022 - 8 gliders seen, 72% glider use
- other species in boxes rats, feral bees, spiders