Survival in Suburbia

The Corrys Woodland project

Stronger Together - LLCI021-001

The issue

Corrys Woodland, is tucked away in the Albury suburb of Thurgoona, surrounded by houses, burgeoning developments and a few remaining grazing paddocks. The area is currently 48ha of remnant Grassy Box-Gum Woodland,  tree plantings dating back to the late 1970s and more recent plantings by the Woolshed Thurgoona Landcare Group.

It has been identified as a ‘Significant Environmental Area’ with a great variety of native plants and animals; 40 different woodland birds, and vulnerable Squirrel Gliders and Sloane’s Froglet. There are three landowners with management responsibility of the woodlands. Albury City Council manages 10 ha, Crown Land’s (Albury Environmental Lands) has 30ha and approximately 8ha is private land zoned for Environmental Conservation.

The solution

The woodland is enjoyed and used extensively by the local community. Unfortunately, firewood collection, dumped garden waste, garden plant invasions, careless and reckless vehicle access, weeds and domestic pets are contributing to a decline in its biodiversity and appeal.

A community forum in 2013 brought together the Woolshed Thurgoona Landcare Group, Thurgoona Progress Association, Albury City, Crown Lands and community members to progress restoration and enhancement programs. The work included hosting community events and environmental education sessions, tree plantings, adding nest boxes, monitoring wildlife populations and removing invasive weeds and barb-wired fences. However, there was no overarching strategic plan and each group, although working well, were not always working together.

The impact

This year the Woolshed Thurgoona Landcare Group, AlburyCity and Crown Lands have decided to work towards a collective vision for the public woodlands. This includes co-ordinated signage (track marking and interpretative boards in a central location featuring the Squirrel gliders, Sloane’s Froglet and Regents Honeyeater), seating design, track materials, mowing regimes, flora and fauna strategies and community and school events.

This partnership will ensure Corrys Woodland not only survives, but thrives, for the enjoyment of future generations of people, native plants and animals.

Glider photo: Matt McGrath

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • Helping restore and protect a Grassy Box Woodland Endangered Ecological Community
  • Over 40 woodland birds spotted
  • Home to Squirrel gliders

Project Partners