Work in Reddy Park, Hornsby

Natural and Cultural Heritage

  • Soil derived principally from Wianamatta Shale
  • Vegetation community Syncarpia glomulifera - Eucalyptus paniculata - Angophora costata Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest
  • Reddy Park is heritage listed and is regarded as being of regional significance
  • After serving his time as a labourer, Michael Madigan, a Sydney convict who arrived on the convict ship Boyne from Limerick, Ireland in 1826, came to Hornsby as a timber-getter. He purchased sixty acres of the northern section of F. W. Unwin’s grant and planted a citrus orchard as clearing was completed. On his death in 1863 the property was left to his wife and daughters, Margaret and Mary Ann. An Irish immigrant, Daniel Reddy, married Mary Ann Madigan and the property became known as Reddy’s Citrus Orchard. After creation of the Shire in 1906 housing subdivisions left only the current Reddy Park bushland remaining. For many years this area was known only as ‘The Bush’ where local children spent their time along with the lower playground ‘The Rocks’ which contained water holes and flat rock formations. The latter is now covered by Hall Road. The Crown purchased Reddy Park in 1946 and created a reserve.


Conservation Status

  • Reserve contains vegetation of state conservation significance (Endangered Ecological Community) listed under the Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995)



  • This reserve has been managed as park in the past, however now mowing has ceased and the core areas are being  regenerated. Weed cover is scattered in the core forest area


Main Weeds

  • Kikuyu, Paspalum dilatatum, Ehrhata erecta, Privet, Ochna, Paddy’s Lucerne
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