Deniliquin Beef Group

Partnership with Deniliquin Veterinary Clinic

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI019-007

The issue

The Ricegrowers Association of Australia (RGA) is an organisation that represents more than 1500 voluntary members and supports growers on issues affecting the viability of their businesses and communities. RGA support new producer groups to improve capacity and deliver programs that support practice change.

RGA and the Deniliquin Veterinary Clinic saw a gap in training and knowledge building activities for beef producers in the Deniliquin region. A majority of the potential members were also rice growers.

The solution

The Ricegrowers’ Association Auspiced the Deniliquin Veterinary Clinic (APIAM Animal Health) to support the establishment of a beef discussion group within the Deniliquin region. Funding was obtained from Murray Local Land Services through the National Landcare Program.

The aim of the group is to build the knowledge and skills of beef producers and using a combination of theory and practical demonstrations aims to contribute to increasing the diversity, productivity and sustainability of primary industries.

The Deniliquin Veterinary Clinic with support from RGA hosted 5 meetings over a 12 month period, wherever possible hosting the meeting at a beef group members property, striving to achieve honest and open group discussions on current and potential practices and management techniques.

The impact

The collaboration between the Ricegrowers' Association of Australia Environmental Champions Program, Murray Local Land Services, Deniliquin Vet Clinic and local farmers has worked very well and lead to five excellent events for 2017. In particular having 19 enterprises pay membership has ensured the long term viability for the group.

The long term impact of establishing this beef producer group is not only the improved productivity through shared learning experiences but also the platform to extend information to engaged producers for sustainability goals.


- Hosting the event on a farmer’s property encouraged engagement.  

- Providing content that was relevant to members of the Beef group encouraged engagement.

- An event was scheduled during the summer crop harvest period and due to low numbers had to be rescheduled. Our region includes irrigated agriculture therefore most farmer’s double crop, this leaves a very small window for workshops. The best windows to run workshops include 15 February - 25 March and then 1 July - 15 August. This avoids school holidays, sowing and harvest.

Author: Erika Heffer

Key facts

  • 19 member enterprises within first year
  • Organisation committed to continuing group
  • Relationship formed with funding bodies

Project Partners
