Partnering with an Indigenous group
RGA ECP working in partnership with the Yarkuwa Indigenous Knowledge Centre and Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council Inc.
Taking Action - LLCI019-002
The issue
The RGA ECP hosts one Local Landcare Coordinator with the intention of filling an important gap in the delivery of service to regional groups that our grower members participate in.
It was identified that there is little public knowledge of the significant cultural heritage assets in the Billabong Yanco area. To address this a grant application was submitted in the latest Billabong Yanco Community Grant application round.
The RGA ECP were successful in working in partnership with the Yarkuwa Indigenous Knowledge centre and the Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council Inc. to obtain funding for the Yanco Billabong Creek Cultural Heritage Tour: Sharing Knowledge and Connections to Country.
The solution
The first stage of the project is compiling information about Indigenous and Non-Indigenous heritage sites and locations by conducting a survey of local landholders and organisations about what they already know about the heritage of the area and what they would like to know.
The tour planned for October 2017, will target regional community members to celebrate the Aboriginal and European Heritage of the landscapes between Jerilderie and Wanganella.
Yarkuwa Indigenous Knowledge centre and the Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council supports the project and will provide assistance, information and advice where appropriate to compile publications and deliver the tour.
The impact
The tour and associated publications will create a strong connection between the local community and the Indigenous and European heritage of the area. We will do this in a way to celebrate how the ecosystem has supported people over thousands of years and how we can better understand the resources in the system.
By undertaking a field tour with local community members, including Indigenous representatives we will be able to continue the work to build strong partnerships in the region.
Key facts
- Completion date 1st November 2017
- Project funding $10,000
- Ongoing project to strengthen links and promote the cultural heritage values of the region