The group works off the end of Rosemead Road at the Western end of Hornsby Park.


Natural and Cultural Heritage
  • Soil predominantly derived from Hawkesbury Sandstone, with Volcanic Diatreme derived soils at the western end of Lot 7017
  • Vegetation communities L: Eucalyptus pilularis - Angophora costata - Syncarpia glomulifera tall open forest, and J: E.saligna Blue Gum Glen Forest (western end of Lot 7017)
  • Hornsby Park is heritage listed and are regarded as being of regional significance
  • Site falls within the Hornsby West Side Heritage Conservation Area
  • Hornsby Park historically consists of three public reserves which were amalgamated in 1973. The first, the eastern park area, was set aside in 1896 as a Recreational Reserve - this occupying the eastern sector of the first land grant in the area to Mr Thomas Higgins, made in 1836. The two large bushland plots to the west were added in 1918 and dedicated for public recreation. The sandstone steps running through the latter areas are thought to have been built during the Depression of the 1930s.
Conservation Status
  • Reserve contains vegetation of regional conservation significance (Community J) – significant in Sydney Region due to very restricted distribution - and vegetation of local conservation significance (Community L)
  • Darwinia biflora, a listed vulnerable species under the Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995), occurs in close proximity to the reserve (in the adjacent Berowra Valley Regional Park).
  • The Masked Owl (Tyto novaehollandiae), has been recorded in the reserve and the Spotted-tailed Quoll (Dasyurus maculatus), Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) and Glossy Black Cockatoo (Calytorhynchus lathami) have been recorded near the reserve. These are vulnerable species under the Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995).
Condition / Impacts
  • Overall, the reserve bushland is in variable condition, ranging from very poor to good. An isolated good patch of restored Glen Forest occurs at the reserve’s western end. Core areas of Community L bushland within are in good condition. Bushland condition becomes poor surrounding all road and structural developments associated with the quarry (frequently associated with fill slopes from roads), and along residential edges on the southern reserve boundary. The upper eastern areas of Lot 7017, 7018 and 7019 are in good condition.
Main Weeds
  • Privet, Montpellier Broom, Camphor Laurel, Parramatta Grass, African Love Grass, Bridal Creeper, Purple Top, Paddy’s Lucerne, Paspalum dilatatum, Rhodes Grass, Fishbone Fern, Spider Plant, Bamboo, Kikuyu, Crofton Weed, Asparagus Fern, Firethorn.

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