Shoalhaven Landcare - Reinstating alternative habitats for the endangered Broad-headed snake

Shoalhaven Landcare has been successfully reinstating alternative habitats for the endangered Broad-headed snake.

Shoalhaven Landcare - Reinstating alternative habitats for the endangered Broad-headed snake

Shoalhaven Landcare has been successfully reinstating alternative habitats for the endangered Broad-headed snake.

Capacity to Deliver -

LP029 -03

The issue

The Broad-headed snake (Hoplocephalus bungaroides) was once a very common snake on rocky ridges across the Sydney basin, including the Shoalhaven. Harvesting of bush rock for urban gardens has drastically reduced its habitat on north facing rocky outcrops. Intense fires and collectors have also made an impact. Its restricted specific habitat and its feeding behaviours make it difficult to recover. It is listed as endangered in NSW and vulnerable at Commonwealth level.

The solution

Research and trials over the past 30 years have demonstrated that the placement of artificial rock habitat at suitable sites leads to an increase of available specific habitat. With help from some local reptile experts and Landcare led Bushfire Recovery grant funding. Shoalhaven Landcare and Kangaroo Valley Environment Group volunteers in 2020 started making suitable rocks in sand moulds, using concrete, colouring and some organics. Once set, these false rocks are transported to various properties in Kangaroo Valley and Illaroo, and carefully placed at specific site locations. Participating private landowners are very supportive of this project. 

The impact

Over 18 months, 300 false rocks have been made and placed out. At one site, 120 of the new false rocks were checked by a licensed ecologist only two weeks after placement, and 20% had been colonised. Species identified using the rocks included the Velvet gecko (the favourite food of the Broad-headed snake), lizards, and other small snakes. In such a short time period this result clearly shows the value of projects that support our local reptiles and their food sources.

Key facts

  • Shoalhaven is home to the endangered Broad-headed snake
  • Removal of bush rock from their range is seriously impacting snake numbers
  • Shoalhaven Landcare and Kangaroo Valley Environment Group are successfully building false rocks to reinstate habitat for the Broad-headed snake

Project Partners