Fox Control Project Expands South

The Shoalhaven Fox Control Project has expanded to south of the Shoalhaven River

Taking Action - MEPAAW-SE-05c

The issue

Foxes are a known predator threatening the survival of many threatened species across Australia. They are highly efficient hunters and resourceful scavengers. They are nocturnal and territorial and may kill more prey than they can consume. Foxes have been known to predate upon a variety of native species including sugar gliders and frogs as well as wombats and wallabies. Foxes also have a huge impact on agriculture as they kill calves and lambs and spread disease.

The Shoalhaven Fox Control Project began from Berry to Bugong with a network of landholders supported by volunteers controlling foxes. However it was obvious that foxes were equally threatening wildlife and stock south of the Shoalhaven River.

The solution

In June 2019 the Shoalhaven Fox Control Project expanded to south of the river. A project launch on 15 June at Nowra Hill involved 20 volunteers and landholders and celebrated the potential impact this project will have on local fox populations. Volunteers were formally trained by Local Land Services for 1080 and Canid Ejectors. A comprehensive Risk Assessment process was also undertaken with Local Land Services, volunteers and landholders. Project participants are further supported by a project coordinator and a field expert who undertakes regular training to maintain currency and confidence amongst volunteers.

This project model is proving very successful as volunteers and landholders are 'matched up' as required to provide maximum coverage for regularly checking and replacing baits. 

The impact

This project now has nine properties baited and regularly monitored within the southern component for the Shoalhaven Fox Control Project. Even though it takes time for the wily foxes to adjust to the presence of the baiting stations and new scents, baits have already been taken, indicating foxes the removal of foxes from the southern population, attributed to this project. To complement the baiting stations, motion-sensor cameras have been installed to monitor both fox and non-target activity at baiting stations.

As knowledge of participation within this project and results spread locally, neighbours join this project. Added to this is ongoing publicity in the local media and social media, generating growing interest among volunteers and landholders in the Central Shoalhaven. 

Author: marien.stark

Key facts

  • The project model of landholders supported, where required, by volunteers and an overall project coordinator is proven successful
  • Regular communication of results to the entire project community boosts enthusiasm and in some cases, 'competition'
  • Mentoring of volunteers on-site by an experienced specialist helps refresh volunteers skills and a feeling of connection.

Project Partners
