Milton Rocks! Building a sustainable Monzonite landscape
The `Caring for our Country’ (2012-15) Milton Rocks project, funded 27 projects on 14 farms and engaged 22 landholders who manage 60% of the agricultural land within the Croobyar Road catchment. Key outcomes of the project include:
- 6.5km of diverse vegetation corridors (5.7ha) established
- Protected and revegetated 3.33km (9.76ha) of riparian corridors
- Established over 11,000 locally grown tubestock
- Installed 1.4km of off-stream watering and 6 water troughs
- Released over 8,000 winter active dung beetles
- Coordinated 4 on farm training events/farm walks focussing on pasture, grazing and livestock management—attended by 104 landholders
- Collected and analyzed 34 soil test across 12 farms
Volunteers continue to maintain and establish corridors across the Croobyar catchment. The Network has recent been award (2015) further funding through NSW Environmental Trust to continue this catchment based project.