South East Local Leaders Program 2021

A rural leadership development program building community, industry and government leadership capacity for resilience and sustainability.

South East Local Leaders Program 2021

A rural leadership development program building community, industry and government leadership capacity for resilience and sustainability.

Capacity to Deliver -


The issue

In 2019-20, like many regions, the South East was deeply affected by drought, bushfires, floods and the global pandemic. Now, more than ever we need leaders who live and work within our communities to step up and put new skills into practice. We were looking for people who are purposeful, filled with passion and empathy and want to do something that will make a difference. We want to support and assist them to make productive change happen. The target for the program is to be developing leaders who are aware, connected and strategic.


The solution

This leadership program is targeting aspiring and existing leaders from the rural sector in the South East LLS region. A program of 9 days of workshops was offered to a limited number of 20 people per program to ensure this was a very personal, selective 'hands-on' learning experience.

The program delivered by Global Learning draws upon neuroscience and behavioural psychology research showing that self-awareness underpins successful leadership.

The South East Local Leaders Program is funded by the National Landcare Program, Smart Farms Small Grants - an Australian Government Initiative; through South East Landcare and South East Local Land Services.

The impact

A three-day ‘Deep Dive’ residential workshop focuses on self-awareness, reflection and social intelligence skills that build trust and rapport between participants. Personal and team action learning projects put new skills into practice. Two follow-up residential workshops are codesigned with participants. Online modules, coaching and mentoring activities maintain connections and progress in-between workshop sessions.

The live-in residential style workshop allows generous time for incidental conversations and building friendships.

Participants reported that they felt overwhelmingly more supported in their personal leadership journey and more connected with the South East Regional Community of Practice after attending the training.


Through this program, the South East Local Land Services region, has trained six cohorts, totalling 100 leaders, who now have a deeper understanding and knowledge about leading change in their communities.

Key facts

  • Applying self-awareness in teams and project work to build effective relationships and partnerships.
  • Develop new skills for working with others by building trust and maintaining connections.
  • Peer coaching and mentor support offered throughout the on-line learning and peer project work.