Winner - Northern Rivers Regional Landcare Awards, Coastcare Category - 2011

Winner - Northern Rivers Regional Landcare Awards, Coastcare Category - 2011

As nominated by our local Landcare coordinator, Lyndel Wilson: "South West Rocks Dune Care is an enthusiastic group made up of local and visiting volunteers and part-time contractors based in Hat Head National Park on the coast, supported by the NPWS and local Shire Council. Skill levels within the group range from beginners to qualified bush regenerators. As well as the satisfaction of helping restore this wonderful coastline to its pristine condition, they have some fun along the way. South West Rocks Dune Care has been active since the early 1990’s. Over the past 5 years, they have successfully applied for restoration grants and the level of regeneration activity has increased significantly. The group averages around 1500 volunteer hours per year including mutual obligation hours- ( unemployment scheme). The group has carried out primary and follow-up bush regeneration activities over about 150ha of heavy to moderately weed-infested coastal habitat aiming to restore and regenerate coastal Littoral Rainforest, Themeda Grasslands and other coastal vegetation. Targeted weeds have been mainly Bitou and Lantana (Weeds of National Significance)."
