Restoration of two fragmented littoral rainforest communities at South West Rocks

This is a 3 years (2015-2018), $98000 grant from the NSW Government Environmental Trust. The project areas include the EEC, Littoral Rainforest, and the Back Beach site borders Coastal Saltmarsh. Bitou Bush is a key threatening process for Littoral Rainforest and is currently the dominant species contributing to this fragmentation of the EEC at the sites. By removing the Bitou and other invasive weeds such as Ochna, Lantana, Gloriosa Lily, Asparagus, and Coastal Morning Glory, the fragmented rainforest canopy will consolidate by natural regeneration to a high level of resilience to further weed invasion. These areas have been neglected for over 50 years, hence the need for community engagement to address the issue.

The aim of this 40 ha weed management project is to  achieve the consolidation of two fragmented Littoral Rainforest communities, create weed-free buffers for long-term resilience and additionally stabilise 20 years of bush regeneration across a 13.6km corridor at South West Rocks. It will generate increased native plant diversity and canopy cover through natural regeneration, and so improve habitat for native animals.

The project will generate increased community engagement and knowledge of environmental issues through the use of signage and educational resources, and strengthen ties with the local indigenous population