5th October Koala Tree Planting in Kangaloon
Creating Corridors for our Wildlife Join Us for a Morning of Giving Back to Nature! Gather your friends and family and spend a rewarding morning helping to create essential wildlife corridors for our beloved koalas and other native species. This tree-planting event, hosted by the Southern Highlands Landcare Network, is a fantastic opportunity to get your hands dirty and contribute to preserving our unique environment. Please register using
https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/southern-highlands-landcare-network/5th-october-koala-tree-planting-in-kangaloon/@@download/image/Kangaloon planting Oct 24.jpg
5th October Koala Tree Planting in Kangaloon
Creating Corridors for our Wildlife Join Us for a Morning of Giving Back to Nature! Gather your friends and family and spend a rewarding morning helping to create essential wildlife corridors for our beloved koalas and other native species. This tree-planting event, hosted by the Southern Highlands Landcare Network, is a fantastic opportunity to get your hands dirty and contribute to preserving our unique environment. Please register using