2023 'Pinaroo' - Multistage Planting on the Wingecarribee River
Exciting news! We will soon be able to complete another piece in the revegetation puzzle along the riparian zone of the Wingecarribee River. On 21st and 22nd October we will be planting at Pinaroo. The Pinaroo property at Burradoo can be seen across the river from the bike track (near the Sullivan Road entrance). Previous plantings have been organised by Landcare with Greening Australia and now there is an opportunity to return and finish the job!
We are very fortunate to have the passionate, knowledgeable and experienced Ian Royd's once again stepping up to manage a revegetation project along the Wingecarribee river. This time the project is on the property 'Pinaroo' and has been made possible by the generous donation of 500 trees from the Rotary 'Adopt-a-Tree' program. Ian has proposed a three stage project. Stage 1 will be starting shortly.
Over the next few months the owners of Pinaroo have agreed to slash the area and rip lines for planting. Landcare volunteers will then be going in to dig the holes and complete other preparatory work. On 21st and 22nd October we will have a planting weekend. There will be some volunteers coming from Caringbah as well as Landcare members planting, but we will need your help too. If your not up for the physical work or unavailable to come on the weekend, please consider donating to 'Adopt-a-tree' as they are an important part of making this planting possible.
Details of the organisation for the planting days will appear in the news section of this website and on our Facebook site nearer to the date.