Talk on human security and climate change
Defence vs climate change; national security vs human security; conflict vs cooperation. What world do we want?"
- https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/step-inc-landcare-group/talk-on-human-security-and-climate-change
- Talk on human security and climate change
- 2023-11-04T14:00:00+11:00
- 2023-11-04T16:00:00+11:00
- Defence vs climate change; national security vs human security; conflict vs cooperation. What world do we want?"
04 Nov, 2023 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1100)
St Andrews Uniting Church, corner of Vernon Street and Chisholm Street, Turramurra
Ian Dunlop's talk will encompass climate and security, leading into the social and economic reform required for a sustainable future, one example of which is The Club of Rome's Earth4All initiative.
Ian Dunlop spent his early career in the oil, gas and coal industries internationally. He was chair of the Australian Coal Association in the late 1980s, CEO of the Australian Institute of Company Directors in the late 1990s, and has been a writer and activist on climate change and sustainability for around 50 years. He is a member of the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration, the Australian Security Leaders Climate Group and, internationally, The Club of Rome.