Tallow Creekside Revegetation 2011-12

Bitou Bush removal and revegetation

At the northern end of the spit between Tallow Creek & Tallow Beach  Bitou Bush weed had over-topped the dunes and spread extensively as a monoculture in the cleared hind-dune next to the creek. The Group removed the infestation in 2011 under a Community Action Grant  and  then worked with Byron High school to revegetate the area ( Album photos 2 & 3 )

Ongoing work with students Last year (2013) a further grant from NSW Crown Lands Dept enabled us to remove remaining stands of Bitou Bush adjoining this area & continue working with the students.Plantings have flourished with adjacent Tallow Creek providing a high water table and within 2 years many Coast Banksias, planted as tube stock, were taller than the students!

2014  Planted Coastal Scrub 3-4m The project is skirted by a popular bike-path that winds through hind dune littoral rainforest eventually crossing Tallow Creek. Many students ride past the site daily on their way to school. The project has transformed a long time weed dominated shrubland , delivered great public feedback & raised the profile of the dunecare group.

Outcomes  2014

  • Plantings have done exceptionally well with good rains throughout  the establishment period.Coastal scrub is now established over 30% of the project site (see above)
  • The site is currently  free of major weeds but exotic grasses continue   press in from the edges of the bike path
  • Natural regeneration: 8 species of littoral rainforest trees ,4 woodland species and  6 ground-cover species have germinated on site.
  • An  number of bird utilize the site including Lorrikeets, Whip Birds and Fig Birds :recently Superb Wrens,Red Backed Wrens and Finches (sp?) have been seen.
