The 2018 Arthursleigh Tree Planting Weekend - 15-16th September, 2018
Yearly tree planting at Arthursleigh farm a sucess!
By Annabel White, communications officer, Sydney University Landcare Society, 19 September 2018
Over the weekend, a dedicated group of volunteers from Sydney University’s Landcare group headed over to the Arthursleigh property in Marulan, NSW. The University-operated property, while beautiful, had seen significant erosion that left the landscape degraded. This year marked 21 years of Landcare efforts on the property, with weekend trips being held annually for keen student volunteers.
Huge, often dry, gullies could be found throughout the property, and the recent drought had caused further wind erosion from a reduction in vegetation. The group even had an unwanted experience with a dust storm on the Saturday, often having to duck under the cover of the gully that was being worked along.
First-year students from a nearby soil science fieldtrip got the chance on Sunday to help out with the group’s efforts. Aided by the group of Landcare volunteers, the students picked up the process quickly, and were a tremendous help to the group’s efforts over the weekend. Overall, the students seemed to enjoy their time and understood the importance of the work they were doing, especially considering their studies.
When Sunday afternoon came around, the group of volunteers looked back on the land that was covered. Approximately 900 native trees and grasses, a mix of eucalypts, wattles, casuarinas, and more, covered both sides over a significant length of the gully.
Over time, this influx of new vegetation would take root and improve soil structure in the area, helping to reducing the amount of erosion on the property, improve soil moisture, and biodiversity.
Driving through the property at the end of the weekend, the group spotted pockets of trees that had the familiar features of Landcare efforts. It was satisfying to know that the work done over the weekend would have a significant impact on the landscape in years to come.
Dust storms aside, it was agreed that the weekend was a unique and worthwhile event for new and experienced volunteers alike.