A Party For Attunga
Bringing the Community of Attunga Back Together Under the Landcare Banner
Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI022-048
The issue
Local residents in the Attunga area felt connectivity amongst neighbouring properties and residents had been lost in recent years. There was concern for both the health of the land and the health of community in the once resilient and thriving community. The community is facing severe drought conditions and subsequently had noticed higher weed burdens on their properties among other drought related issues. There had been a Landcare group in the area previously but was no longer active.
The solution
Two past founding members of Attunga Landcare approached Tamworth LLCI looking to re form local Landcare group and possibly hold an event in the community to bring everyone together to share and discuss issues in the area.
A event was planned to capture the essence of small rural communities and their ability to come together and have a fun time despite facing drought and hardship.
Funding for the event was generously forthcoming from North West Church group who worked with LLCI and members of the Attunga community to put together Attunga Rain Dance on Saturday 17th November 2018.
The Party for Attunga included live entertainment from a local band, sausage sizzle and supper along with very generous giveaways throughout the night sourced from local business.
Landcare supported on the night with weed ID and tree giveaways and invited representatives to be on hand to answer questions and chat with locals.
Several service providers had contact information available on the night with attendance from DPI Drought Resilience Officers, mental health workers and a display provided by the local Rural Fire Services.
The impact
Attunga Landcare Group will reform in the New Year and contact has also been made with Attunga Primary School P&C with a view to hosting a Junior Landcare group at the School.
The community has come together to share and ease burdens and improve resilience of people and land.
The party atmosphere and friendly relaxed format allowed people to connect again with each other. The event provided an informal opportunity for landholders and community members to reach out to service providers offering help in times of drought.
Key facts
- Community coming together builds resilience
- Fun activities will bring a crowd together to share