Tilligerry Habitat is a 9 ha reserve featuring native flora and fauna along a sandy foreshore at Tanilba Bay. It has a straw bale environment centre, bush regeneration projects and souvenir shop. Free entry or paid guided walks on gravel paths and boardwalks, native plants, birds and koalas in the wild, and a native nursery are features.

There is a range of vegetation communities: scenic swamp mahogany paperbark forest, wallum heath and woodland, wetland and foreshore environments. Half the site is a scenic endangered ecological community and half was sand mined in the 1960s for rutile etc so bush rehabilitation is our major activity with up to 20 volunteers working on site on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Landcare Demonstration Site Tilligerry Habitat Association has been working on the site since 1996 so there are lots of Landcare activities shown like use of native grasses, signage,  boardwalk design, rehab techniques. Tours available.

Other features are

1. Environment Centre open 7 days showing koala sitings.

2. Displays about native birds, orchids, mammals, bush tucker plants.

3. guided walks on local history, culture and the environment (with fee)

4. occasional koalas, echidnas and bandicoots in the wild

5. tour group catering, toilets etc

6. Scenic foreshore boardwalk with soldier crabs etc etc


ProjectsTilligerry Habitat was awarded a $250 000 Envirotrust grant in 2011 with other local groups in  Lemon Tree Passage, Mallabula, Tanilba Bay 355B committees of Port Stephens Council. The funding will be used over 6  years to hire professional bush regeneration teams to work with volunteers  to improve wildlife corridors much of it koala habitat on council and crown reserves on the Tilligerry Peninsula.

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