The Torquay Estate Reserves are small, relatively-natural spaces in a crowded residential area where built environment is displacing private gardens. They are within the former Torquay Estate in Castlecrag.
PLANT COMMUNITY: Although the natural vegetation has been depleted, the four areas would have been Sydney Sandstone Ridgetop Woodland [10ar(Wlw)] and revegetation plantings should reflect this.
HABITAT: Habitat value is depleted but these reserves have value as a link in the continuity of foreshore reserves and fauna habitat around the perimeter of the headland. There is potential for improvements to enhance the linkage and habitat values.
There are four sections in the Torquay Estate Reserves.
Sugarloaf Point Reserve
A small triangle-shaped reserve bounded by two houses and the shoreline of Middle Harbour. A lot of approx. 670 m2 combines with a drainage reserve and former road reserve of approx. 75 m2, of which 30 m2 has been encroached upon by an adjoining property. Zoned Open Space with a proposed zoning of E2 Environmental Protection. Access is via a narrow opening between two properties. The upper level is flat, having been terraced, then drops away to the shore. It has two park benches. Access to the shore is possible but difficult. Native plants have been mostly planted.
Pathway (currently unnamed)
An area of approx 1,920 m2 , originally an extension of Edinburgh Rd. Road Reserve with a proposed zoning of E2 Environmental Protection. A set of stone steps leads down to the edge of Middle Harbour. A drain runs parallel to the steps on the southern side. Regeneration of native plants has occurred at the south-west section of the pathway. A number of small boats are stored at the base of the Pathway.
Central Edinburgh Rd Reserve
Although classified as reserve, much of the area has been utilised as car parking spaces and roadway. Two main areas remain unpaved: The northern section acts as a road island and the southern section abuts a residence, with no obvious boundary. Native plants have mostly been planted.
RTA Owned Land,
Lots 39 and 40 Edinburgh Rd This area of almost 2190 m2 is currently owned by the Roads and Traffic Authority. It runs from Edinburgh Rd to the foreshore. It is to be transferred to WCC for open space and has a proposed zoning of E2 Environmental Protection.
Council's bushland management goals for the reserves are
- To enhance links in landscape and habitat connectivity;
- To conserve the natural landscape values of the reserves;
- To maintain and enhance biodiversity and fauna habitat;
- To restore bushland areas that are in poor condition;
- To preserve the genetic integrity of the local landscape.