
Group's Projects

Tregeagle Landcare Group has received $25,000 from the Jaramus Foundation through Landcare Australia to restore koala habitat and riparian lowland rainforest. Professional bush regenerators are working with landholders and Tregeagle Landcare Group members to restore riparian rainforest remnants and expand koala habitat rehabilitation at Connor Road, Tregeagle. This will improve existing koala habitat, develop koala corridors and improve water quality in Tucki-Tucki and Boggy Creeks. The health of critically endangered lowland rainforest will be enhanced. Weeds are being controlled to improve koala habitat and corridors and tree planting is being undertaken in gaps and areas of low resilience to extend and connect habitat areas. A field day will be held which will involve Tregeagle Public School Junior Landcare Group, local landholders and community members from throughout Lismore LGA who are interested in koala and lowland rainforest restoration.

2015 - 2016 - The project will restore koala habitat along ridges leading to Tucki-Tucki and Boggy Creeks and rehabilitation riparian lowland rainforest along the creeks at Connor Road, Tregeagle. This will improve existing koala habitat, improve connectivity and conditions of eucalypt and rainforest ecosystems and improve water quality in creeks. Over 20 landholders have vegetation restoration plans and restoration work will be implemented in line with these plans. A field day engage school children, landholders and others to learn and become involved in Landcare activities at Tregeagle.

2013 - 2016 - Tregeagle Landcare Group is working with professional bush regenerators to restore and connect significant Koala habitat at Tregeagle. This is a priority area (Lismore City Council Koala Management Plan) for the long term survival of koalas in the area. Lantana has been impeding koala movement and access to food trees and with camphor laurel and privet restricting regeneration. Koalas in the Lismore LGA are threatened by clearing and fragmentation of koala habitat, which isolates populations, impedes gene flow and recruitment levels. Significant Koala habitat at Tregeagle was being degraded and regeneration of koala habitat restricted by weed infestation. Koalas could not access some habitat areas and food trees due to dense lantana. The area is part of a significant corridor for koala movement across the landscape. The project area includes macadamia farms, beef cattle, rural acreages and native bushland.