The Tullimbah Landcare Group (TLC) was formed in 1999 by local residents, concerned for the management of this remnant vegetation patch of Illawarra Subtropical Rainforest.
The Group is a small but committed group, and meets twice a month at the Reserve to undertake restoration activities, every second Wednesday and 4th Saturday of the month
The activities of the TLC Group aim to restore and enhance the integrity of this bushland pocket, and to ensure there is habitat connectivity throughout the Reserve (particularly for secretive fauna). Only one small selected area is “cleared” at any one time, in preparation to receive new planting, and the existence of any natural regeneration dictates the required planting densities.
Initially, the Reserve was in a badly degraded state and exotic weed invasion had resulted in suppression of native plant regeneration and a loss of species diversity in this Reserve.
The benefit of works the TLC Group has undertaken in Elizabeth Brownlee Reserve is clear: By gradually removing invasive weeds, such as Lantana, and planting local provenance species to complement natural regeneration, there is improved and stabilized biodiversity at the site.
Replanting is necessary to achieve reasonable replacement habitat to that formerly provided by dense Lantana. We aim to remove only a limited amount of the Lantana each year as a lot of secondary weeding is necessary (Once Lantana has been removed, there is a battle to suppress and control a range of sleeper weeds and invasive vines - Moth Vine, Morning Glory and Trad and Cape Ivy).
The Reserve is located on the western side of Albion Park, in Digby Close, Albion Park (off Noble Road).
Come along…learn…share and make a real difference. We welcome NEW volunteers to join us at the working bees. Contact Ruth Jenkins 02 4256 2684.
Wear sturdy shoes and long sleeves and bring a hat & gloves. Morning tea is always provided.
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