BirdLife Northern Rivers, formerly Tweed Bird Observers, has been active in the Tweed region for almost twenty years. BirdLife Northern Rivers holds weekly and monthly outings for bird observations and carries out surveys of Landcare projects, and public and private properties when requested. Members conduct monthly counts of waders and other shorebirds in the Tweed River Estuary and Terranora Broadwater, and monitor threatened bird species in the region. BirdLife Northern Rivers is a founding member of the Northern Rivers Regional Shorebird Group.

BirdLife Northern Rivers Members;

  • Are now members of BirdLife Australia and have joined over 200 members that reside from Evans Head to Casino to Tweed Heads,
  • Volunteer at the Tweed River Festival as bird experts on river walks and host an information booth at local festivals and events,
  • Work with the Tweed Landcare to provide monthly bird surveys at Fingal Head and Bilambil,
  • Provide a monthly wader count of sites in the Tweed River to the Queensland Wader Study Group and members participate in the 2020 Shorebird count around Ballina,
  • Are members of the Northern Rivers Shorebird Committe,
  • Provide private property owners with bird surveys,
  • Comment on environmental issues, land use plans, and development applications in support of bird conservation,
  • Work in conjunction with the Tweed Valley Wildlife Carers,
  • Provide information: for example, authored a bird brochure highlighting bird walks around the Shire available at all tourist information outlets, maintain a list of bird species observed in Tweed Shire,
  • Undertake projects: ongoing project involvement include participation in the Glossy Black-Cockatoo Conservancy of QLD and NE NSW, a TBO sub-group, Tweed Osprey Group, monitors breeding success of Eastern Ospreys in the Tweed Region each season, and members have volunteered their time to the Integrated Common Myna Control Project /Tweed and Byron Shires,
  • Are Atlassers for BirdLife Australia (former Birds Australia program),
  • Maintain a blog at
  • Historical activites at

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