Long term partnership delivers

How our ongoing partnership with our local council is delivering for both organisations

Collaborations - LEP_23 _033_LLC_TLI_10

The issue

As small volunteer run not-for-profit environmental organisation Tweed Landcare has limited financial and human resources. 

The solution

Tweed Shire Council is a key supporter of Tweed Landcare. For almost a decade they have provided day-to-day support for all our activities through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU, which is reviewed every 4 years, provides Tweed Landcare with office space and associated support within the Council building. In addition to this support, Council staff are often our main project collaborators providing in-kind technical support and often additional funding through Council environmental funding programs.

Importantly Tweed Landcare also helps Tweed Shire Council. We help to support the Tweed Care groups looking after Council bushland by providing advise and applying for grants to support their activities. We are often key partners in Council projects - helping with workshops and project promotion.

The impact

Our ongoing formalised partnership delivers for both organisations. We have overlapping objectives so by working together we are able to coordinate effort and leverage our successes.  As a result, we can achieve more for the Tweed community and environment.


Partnerships are easy if they are mutually beneficial. This partnership has persisted because by working together we achieve more.

Author: Amalia Pahlow

Key facts

  • Formal partnerships
  • Collaboration

Project Partners