Strengthening Tweed Care groups
Increasing support for Care groups and their volunteers
Reaching Out - LLCI033-008
The issue
The support Tweed Care Groups receive is variable and many have been operating without adequate resources for their volunteers.
Since 2016 Tweed Landcare Inc has surveyed Tweed Care groups as part of the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative. The survey included questions of capacity, activities and needs. The areas of need varied from group to group but some main themes were:
- Regular training in native plant and weed identification and bush regeneration techniques;
- Bush regeneration and planting equipment and well as personal protective equipment for their volunteers;
- Site specific restoration plans to guide their on-ground activities;
- Funding for on ground projects that are beyond their current capacity.
The solution
The flexibility of the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative meant that after identifying the needs of our Care groups we could focus on delivering activities to meet those needs.
Over the last couple of years Tweed Landcare Inc has:
- Delivered two Care Group workshops covering native plant and weed identification and bush regeneration techniques.
- Secured and delivered funding from Tweed Shire Council for the delivery of Care Group Equipment and Training Grants which have helped nine Care groups.
- Funded the development of Site Restoration Plans for six Care groups.
- Submitted three funding applications for priority activities at Care group sites. Six Care groups were supported by our successful National Landcare Program Environmental Small Grant. There are two applications pending for Community Environment Grant and a Rous County Council grant to support the activities of four more Care groups.
The impact
The impact of these efforts is shown through the positive feedback Tweed Landcare Inc has received from the Care groups.
Hospital Hill Landcare: 'Thanks to our Landcare coordinator for supporting us so wonderfully.'
Friends of Travis on the Oxley: 'Thanks for your support so far. The equipment and materials have been really helpful.'
Byrrill Creek Landcare: 'Byrrill Creek Landcare would like to thank Tweed Landcare for its help the last year (& TSC) for the generous Equipment Grant (the drill auger has been fantastic), for our upcoming National Landcare Grant and the grant for our Site Plan, soon to be completed. TLI does a fantastic job in supporting its members!'
Key facts
- 2 workshops with 40 Care group volunteer participants
- 11 Care groups supported through equipment and/ or site restoration plans and/or funding