Supporting Tweed Care groups through planning
Tweed Landcare Inc utilises Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative to support Care groups.
Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI033-06
The issue
In 2014 Site Plans were developed for the six Care groups operating along the Tweed Coast. Unfortunately many other Care groups have been operating in the without a Site Plan to guide their restoration activities. Without a Site Plan it is difficult to identify and prioritise the issues, apply for funding and monitor achievements.
The solution
The issue was discussed at Tweed Landcare Inc. General Meeting. The Committee decided to allocate fund from our Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative operational budget for the development of Site Plans.
All Tweed Care groups without Site Plans were contacted in regards to the opportunity. Seven Tweed Care groups expressed interest in having a Site Plan developed.
Bush regeneration Contractors were engaged to write the Site Plans with support from the Group Coordinator (and other volunteers) and the Landcare Coordinator.
Site Plans were to include:
- Landcare/ environmental history for the area
- Information on native vegetation communities
- Photo-monitoring photos
- Map showing the work zones.
- Table of management actions by work zone.
The impact
Seven Care groups now have Site Plans to guide the regular working bees, support funding applications and monitor progress.
The benefits of having a Site Plan was quickly realised when information from two existing Site Plans and four draft Site Plans was used earlier this year for a successful National Landcare Program Environmental Small Grant application.
Key facts
- 7 Care Group Site Plans