Araluen Creek Restoration Project – Update October 2022
Onsite Construction – finally happening
We are pretty excited that Soil Conservation Service construction work will start on Monday 31 October and will take about three weeks. Weather permitting, as we are getting another big downpour of rain at the moment. Weather, has hampered us previously, if it rains a lot we get high creek flows at the remediation sites and boggy conditions. This in turns limits the movement of machinery and vehicles onsite. However, once done, the remediation of the thirteen sites will deliver stability, reduce sediment movement, control erosion and future bank collapses.
We need you to assist plant out the sites
Planning for re vegetation of sites is well under way and we are aiming for plantings in November, probably a series of events, rather than just a one day planting event. With the regular rain events we are experiencing we have had to rethink our planting schedule. Sites will be planted out once works have been completed. We will repeat this process for all sites. If you can please express interest to assist in this task.