Christmas Update: Southern Tablelands Tree Start Growers Network
A huge thank you to all our Tree Start Growers. For those who attended the Bungendore and Braidwood workshops, it's coming up to 5-6 weeks after sowing. Here's a few updates and seedling tips heading into Christmas. Also, welcome to our new growers who just got their kits. The following information will hopefully be useful to you around mid-late January.
Plan for Summer
- During the hot summer days and heatwave events make sure you stay safe and make a plan for your little seedlings.
- You may want to add water in the bottom of the foam boxes so the tubes stay damp. It will be okay for them to be submerged temporarily.
- Also consider moving them into the shade if they're not already. A few degrees will make a big difference for these young plants. Morning sun is better than harsh afternoon sun.
- While you're planning, do you have holiday plans? Maybe there's a fellow Tree Start grower or neighbour who can look in on your seedlings while you're away.
Next Steps for Seedlings
- Some species may not be showing any signs of germination. This can be expected, with some species taking longer than others, or potentially a batch of unviable seed. Best to make a note of which species did/didn't germinate for you.
- A troubleshooting guide for seed germination is attached below containing a few extra tips, but moving trays into a cooler position for a few days and then putting them back into the sun could also stimulate germination.
- For species which did germinate, you could consider pricking out a few to replace any losses which haven't come up. Kelly's tips for pricking out are attached below and remember:
- Once seedlings have grown their first set of true leaves, they are strong enough but still small enough to survive a move.
- Give the tubes a thorough watering before you start, and then again once they've been repotted to help them establish.
- If you have some liquid seaweed, this would also be a good time to give them a weak dose.
- Millie Ross from Gardening Australia did a short video that shows the pricking out process - https://www.abc.net.au/gardening/how-to/native-seeds-unlocked/13637398. The pricking out info starts at about 6 mins in, but the rest is pretty interesting too.
- Don't forget to label any extra pots or trays accordingly.
- Later, when seedlings are 4-5cm tall and have a couple of true sets of leaves, you can consider snipping each pot back to the strongest seedling using fine scissors or clippers. Cut excess seedlings off just above soil height and make sure you remove all plant material to avoid spread of disease.
Key Contacts Over Christmas
Local Landcare Coordinator Erin Brinkley will be heading on leave until around the end of January. If you have any propagation queries over the coming weeks, please reach out to Georgeanna and Kelly who will be back online after a short break over Christmas.
You're also welcome to share any questions or news on the group Facebook page which will be monitored:
Georgeanna StoryUpper Murrumbidgee Local Landcare CoordinatorM 0429 779 928Kelly StubbsChief Plant Whisperer - Wagtail Natives NurseryM 0474 258 463
Wishing you a happy Christmas and New Year and keep up the great growing!