Araluen Creek Restoration Project - Facts

Here are some interesting facts about what was achieved over the course of the Project.

  • Voluntary hours committed to planning, meetings, reporting, and delivery of the project through to revegetation of remediated sites: Estimated at over 1,500 hours.

  • Six educational workshops were conducted on Saturdays for the Araluen and broader community, in summary:
    • 26 February 2022 – Geology of Araluen Workshop – 30 attended.
    • 28 May 2022 – Soil Erosion Workshop – 15 attended.
    • 25 June 2022 – Apical Weeds Workshop – 25 attended.
    • 27 August 2022 – Riparian Workshop - 25 attended.
    • 3 September 2022 – Seed Collection and Propagation Workshop – 17 attended.
    • 25 February 2023 - Apical Weeds Workshop #2 – 25 attended.

  • Project coordination, landholder liaison and facilitation of key deliverables: 700 hours.

  • Revegetation of remediated sites with 1500 endemic native species. USLC and UDCLG committed to support and manage 3 community planting days, local plant nursery expert assisted with the selection of planting lists.

  • 3 major planting days with over 20 volunteers attending all local folk and helpers from afar. A great day was held with the Braidwood home-schoolers group.

  • Materials required for the remediation of identified sites:
    • 460 tonnes of large rocks.
    • 29 truckloads of root balls.
    • 32 x 6 metre hardwood logs.

This is an exert from the Araluen Creek Restoration Project 2021-2023 Report compiled and prepared by Cath Harrison, UDCLG Project Community Liaison Officer. The full report can be found HERE.

 This is a Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund project through the joint Commonwealth/State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangement