Connecting Habitat across Upper Lachlan

Taking a strategic and united approach to connecting habitat in Upper Lachlan Shire.

Connecting Habitat across Upper Lachlan

Taking a strategic and united approach to connecting habitat in Upper Lachlan Shire.

Collaborations -


The issue

Revegetation projects in Upper Lachlan Shire to date, have traditionally had a broadly scattergun approach. While many successful and worthwhile projects have been completed, they have largely focused on sites with engaged landholders, enthusiastic to increase biodiversity on their property.

These sites are not necessarily the most constructive areas to revegetate to restore landscape connectivity. Additionally, the specific revegetation activities conducted are sometimes not very effectual for restoring biodiversity and creating habitat pathways across our Shire. 

The solution

Upper Lachlan Landcare identified a Habitat Connectivity Prioritisation Plan for the Shire that would define the most effective and efficient revegetation activities and locations. 

The aim of the Plan was to identify areas where revegetation projects may provide the maximum benefit and to target those areas for any further habitat enhancement within the Shire. The Plan would contain three important elements;

* Research and consolidate all existing knowledge on habitat sites within the Shire

* Identify which plant community types and ecological communities are poorly represented

* Outline the best forms of habitat enhancement that are appropriate in identified areas

To ensure wide adoption of the Plan, it was important to work collaboratively with all stakeholders from the early stages. A small group, we called the "Connectivity Crew" included Upper Lachlan Landcare members, Gunning District Landcare members, representatives from South East Local Land Services and Upper Lachlan Shire Council. We also included a local ecologist who was eventually engaged to prepare the Plan.

The impact

Upper Lachlan Shire now has a Habitat Connectivity Prioritisation Plan that identifies areas where habitat supporting small populations of threatened faunal species and threatened plant communities, is the most fragmented and where targeted revegetation could achieve the best results. It also suggests the most effective and efficient revegetation strategies to restore connectivity. 

LLS and Council have invested into the Plan. We have also shared the completed Plan with a number of other stakeholder organisations seeking their feedback. With a clear Plan and a united approach, all agencies engaged in revegetation activities in Upper Lachlan Shire are better positioned to secure funding support and deliver the most effective revegetation projects. 

Key facts

  • The benefits of a united approach - from design to delivery
  • The value of clear communication with our partners and stakeholders
  • Have a Plan!

Project Partners