Aquatic Plant Field Day- Dalton
Ever wondered what plants grow in your creek or farm dams? Thought you might like fish in them? You’ll need a broad range of aquatic plants to suport a fish population. Maybe 20 or more! And now you can find out all about them. Blakney Creek and Biala Landcare Group Aquatic Plant Field day
- Aquatic Plant Field Day- Dalton
- 2015-04-11T10:00:00+10:05
- 2015-04-11T14:30:00+10:05
- Ever wondered what plants grow in your creek or farm dams? Thought you might like fish in them? You’ll need a broad range of aquatic plants to suport a fish population. Maybe 20 or more! And now you can find out all about them. Blakney Creek and Biala Landcare Group Aquatic Plant Field day
11 Apr, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 02:30 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1008)
Aquatic Plant Field Day
There’s lots to learn. You don’t want “invasive” weeds [so you want to know how to identify them and avoid them!] and you do want plants that make for clean healthy water [native aquatic plants can clean your water of disease carrying pathogens!] and in turn support all manner of life be it fish or yabbies or frogs and turtles.
Many of these plants have been lost from our creeks and rivers. Returning them is often simple. They grow well in dams too. At this field day you’ll learn how to collect seed and propagate your own range of aquatic plants or even transplant plants to get them started on your place. Come and learn from experts how.
There’s a serious side to the day as well – a native fish species is under immediate threat from an introduced predator fish. It exists in a local creek but its days may be numbered. We need help establishing quality sites where the fish could be relocated away from the predator feral pest. Maybe a dam or creek on your farm??
No alternative sites could see this fish become extinct in years or even months. You can help.
Come to Dalton Uniting Church Hall
Saturday, 11 April, 10.00am — 2.30pm
The day is free, includes lunch, and we have a hands on visit to a creek site too.
We need numbers to cater: please RSVP before 7 April to Vince 4845 5129 or 0419 998 848 or
email: vince_heffernan@hotmail.comsee