Livestock Master Chef - Pastures Workshop
What culinary delights are wetting your livestock’s appetite?
- Livestock Master Chef - Pastures Workshop
- 2017-05-11T09:00:00+10:05
- 2017-05-11T15:00:00+10:05
- What culinary delights are wetting your livestock’s appetite?
11 May, 2017 from 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1008)
Anyone interested in appropriate pasture species, and understanding weed management for the Upper Lachlan region.
9:30am Paul Brown, Upper Lachlan Shire Weeds Officer, will outline how to identify weeds such as Chilean Needle Grass, Cootlati Grass and African Lovegrass.
10am Agronomist Kathryn Pengilley, will run through a variety of new and existing pasture species that could add value to your production system. Kathryn will discuss weed management, explore using landscape maps as a planning tool and guide a paddock walk.
2pm LLS Officer Annelies McGaw will discuss the new Biosecurity Legislation and what its implications are to you.
This is an opportunity to develop a regionally coordinated approach to weed control.
RSVP Essential.