Governance with a Side of Fries
A solid core of good governance enables us reach our goals
Building our Future - LLCI025-011
The issue
Our members join Landcare because they want to see their people supported and their landscapes improved, not because they want to attend strategic planning sessions and set meeting agendas. We had to find a way forward that enabled us to deliver meaningful action.
The solution
We acknowledged meaningful actions needed to be supported by a planned and organised approach. Support from the Local Landcare Coordinators Initiative Program (LLCI) enabled us to engage consultants to help us develop our plans. It also provided employment support for our Coordinator. Our members could then identify their priorities and direct their plans without taking on the more tedious tasks of summarising, writing up the plans and setting the schedule.
We have been acutely aware of developing just enough process and planning to reach our goals, keep our people safe and honour our commitments – and nothing superfluous.
The impact
The enthusiasm of our members has been ignited and focused. By engaging expert consultants and paid assistance we have been able to relieve ourselves of the more tedious and time-consuming load. We have been able to create a clear connection for our members between good governance and reaching our goals. Even the most resistant of members now supports our main meal of good governance so they can engage in an extra-large side serving of action.
Key facts
- Work with our strengths
- Source required skills from outside our network
- All governance needs a reason for being