Upper Lachlan Landcare Planning Event
Upper Lachlan Landcare structure and future planning as published in the Crookwell Gazette 14.2.2017
Upper Lachlan Catchment Coordinating Committee Inc., or ULCCC, is our official title. ULCCC provide support to local Landcare groups operating throughout the Upper Lachlan Shire. The ULCCC committee is comprised of representatives from local Landcare groups and individuals who have joined ULCCC directly.
Landcare groups that operate in Upper Lachlan Shire currently are Breadalbane Community Landcare Inc., Crooked Corner/Mulgowrie Landcare, Friends of Oolong, Fullerton/Hadley Landcare Inc., Grabine/Foggs Crossing Landcare, Gunning District Landcare Inc., Heffernans Creek Landcare, Kiamma Creek Landcare, Narrawa Landcare, Peelwood/Limerick/Tuena Landcare, Roslyn Landcare Group Inc. and Taralga Landcare Group Inc. Gunning District Landcare also employ their own Landcare coordinator; Helen Ward, to provide support with their activities.
Collectively the objectives of Landcare in the Upper Lachlan are to;
- Raise awareness of, and increase understanding within the local community of natural resource management practices
- To identify problems relating to the degradation of natural resources in the local region
- To foster co-operation across the entire community and seek resources to support Landcare activities.
Wednesday afternoon, we got together for a very productive session. Identifying our priorities for the coming years and sharing ideas around how we can operate more effectively in the Upper Lachlan. We highlighted the following as focus areas;
- Biosecurity – working together across landholders, councils and government agencies to manage weeds and pest animals
- Educate the kids – have a regular and sustained presence in all our local schools
- Membership – grow our membership and engage new residents
- Mapping – use technology to have all relevant information complied and accessible
- Education Workshops – deliver relevant workshops that build skills and knowledge in the community
This open conversation about our future priorities is ongoing and we would welcome more contributions. Please make contact with your local Landcare Group or directly with ULCCC to join in.
Upper Lachlan Landcare supports a community-based approach to managing and protecting our natural resources – creating more productive and sustainable farms, conserving our environment and building more cohesive and resilient communities.
For more information contact; Ruth Aveyard 0447 242 474 coordinator@upperlachlanlandcare.org.au
Or Helen Ward 0488 027 653 gunningdistrictlandcare@gmail.com