Upper Lachlan Summer Seminar Series

Engaging with, and welcoming, a broader slice of the community

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI025-003

The issue

Upper Lachlan wanted to host an 'out of the ordinary' event to specifically draw in people who might not normally engage with Landcare.

The solution

Upper Lachlan Landcare hosted two evenings called the 'Summer Seminar Series' with the purpose of hosting an enjoyable evening and drawing people along who haven't attended a Landcare event ever/for a while.

Seminar one saw Sarah Anderson share stories of traveling internationally with her young family to learn about a variety of food production systems. On Sarah's return, she became involved with her local school and developed a thriving vegetable garden that excites and inspires the children.

Seminar two fascinated us with Robyn Alders experiences working in Africa developing a suitable system of delivery of the Newcastle Disease Vaccine to village chickens. Resulting in a big, positive impact to people's quality of life. Bill Johnson, District Vet with Local Land Services also delivered a valuable talk on backyard chicken health.

We advertised these talks broadly in the local newspapers, newsletters, local schools, radio and contacting specific groups of interest, eg gardening groups.We advertised the talks were general interest, families were welcome and craft activities would be available for young children. Local Landcare members personally invited friends and neighbors.

By bringing people along to one event, we felt this would be the start of a relationship we could continue to build on.

The impact

Both evening events finished with a shared simple meal and, on both occasions the table was buzzing with chatter and ideas. People had the opportunity to meet others in their community and connect with like-minded ideas. Breadalbane Community Landcare Inc are now exploring options of establishing a buyers group and ways they can connect more directly with the local school.

By advertising the events broadly and existing Landcare members personally inviting local residents, we were able to attract a variety of people who wouldn't regularly attend Landcare events. We received very positive feedback about both events.

Our challenge now is to keep stoking the fire, keep delivering interesting and relevant events that reflect the communities interests.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • Use existing community networks to reach out to people
  • Deliver relevant content that the community values
  • Persistence and continuity

Project Partners