New Trees for Climate Website By Bungendore Landcare
New Trees For Climate Website:

New Trees for Climate Website By Bungendore Landcare

Earlier this year, Bungendore Landcare launched their new Trees For Climate Website - The platform is dedicated to strategic tree and forest establishment and regeneration on the Southern Tablelands, with a wide range of useful resources on climate-ready re-vegetation, species recommendations, planting designs and tree establishment.

Like most other Landcare groups across Australia, Bungendore Landcare members have been re-vegetating large areas of public and private land for more than three decades. They have the skills and experience and they know how to get it done with minimum costs and maximum success, whatever the climatic conditions, and they wanted to share that knowledge locally.

That’s what the Trees For Climate website is about - thinking globally and acting locally. The goal was to show everyone in the Bungendore district and surrounds they can play a part in climate repair, and create a model for local action other communities can learn from. Growing forests - rural and urban - is a vital, affordable, accessible natural climate solution that must be undertaken on a massive scale. Every tree counts.

The website is dedicated to the memory of Donald “Peter” McPherson (15/5/1926 - 19/4/2019), who led a quiet life in a back-street of Bungendore, but whose generous legacy has made a huge impact on the town, through bequests to several important community groups including Bungendore Landcare.

Peter joined the group in 2009 and was a dedicated Landcarer, always turning up to working bees and offering excellent building and handyman skills. Peter was someone who cared deeply for the environment, and when he left a large sum of money to Bungendore Landcare in his will, members had to decide how to best use the bequest in order to respect Peter's Earth-Caring values and aspirations. 

The group decided to use the money to encourage local broad-scale re-vegetation, by making it as easy as possible for everyone to be involved in simple, direct, hands-on climate change action. The idea was to create a one-stop-shop which would put as much helpful information in one place as possible - setting the website in motion.

If you’d like to learn more about procuring or planting native and non-native trees locally - visit for more information or contact Bungendore Landcare at PO Box 12 Bungendore NSW 2621 Australia or email

Bungendore Landcare