Upper Shoalhaven Landcare Off to the Markets

A successful plant stall at the Braidwood Ryrie Park Markets on Saturday 27 April 2024

Upper Shoalhaven Landcare Off to the Markets

A successful plant stall at the Braidwood Ryrie Park Markets on Saturday 27 April 2024

Capacity to Deliver -


The issue

In late 2023, a long standing Landcarer and local native plant nursery owner in our community sadly passed away. He left behind an incredible legacy of revegetation efforts around the district, as well as thousands of recently propagated native and exotic plants.

After many months of caring for the seedlings, his partner decided it was time to move stock on. She very generously donated the remaining native tubestock to Upper Shoalhaven Landcare Council (USLC).

USLC had been trying for years to establish a Community Native Nursery with funding from the Foundation of National Parks and Wildlife Bushfire Recovery Nurseries Grant program. The incredibly kind donation provided a wonderful opportunity to reinvigorate the project, as well as commemorate an important member of our Landcare community.

The solution

With over 1200 native tubestock donated and needing to be planted ASAP, USLC decided to host a market stall. The plant's propagator was often found selling at the monthly Ryrie Park market in Braidwood, and it seemed fitting to sell some of the last stock he grew there.

The market stall had a great turn out with over 900 plants were sold within a few hours on Saturday 27th of April 2024. There was a great range of natives available, including eucalypts, acacias, correas, croweas, grass trees, tree ferns, and bunya pines. Any left-over stock was advertised in our district newsletter and sold within the fortnight.

The impact

Our commemorative market stall successfully rehomed over 1200 native plants, with all proceeds in support of our Landcare Nursery Network project. Many of the plants went straight into local revegetation projects and gardens - now part of the incredible legacy left behind by our late plant propagator who will be missed within our Landcare community.

USLC are incredibly grateful to our generous donator, as well as all who visited the stall on the day and bought some plants. We'd also like to send a big shout out to the fantastic Upper Shoalhaven Landcare volunteers who helped staff the stall on the day. It was a great team effort and we couldn't have done it without your support, knowledge and native plant expertise!

Key facts

  • 1280 native plants distributed in the district
  • Over 930 sold at the market alone
  • Stall hosted by Upper Shoalhaven Landcare volunteers was fantastic team effort

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